I pride myself on being a simple small town girl. In fact, this is my man's purportedly "favorite" thing about me. I grew up in a small town, amongst a backdrop of clucking chickens and braying sheep in the backyard. Family and church potlucks were the highlights of my childhood. That and an above ground blow up pool in the backyard. To make a long story short. I am incredibly boring. My idea of a good time involves a glass of wine, a good book, a good movie, a nice long walk, or time with the ones I love the most. If you were to look up the word normal in the dictionary, well...my picture wouldn't be there - but in the world of exaggerated exclaiming...yes. My smiling face would be smack dab.

I don't really get out much. I dislike shopping. Lately, when I try to read, I fall asleep. I work. A lot. So when I'm home, I just really like to relax. Chris fires up the grill, I grab a glass of wine (not anymore) - and we sit back and talk - enjoying one another's company. Naomi and I, well - let's be frank. We have lots of mother/daughter bonding time, but she's in 7th grade, and a girl. I think I might be her personal chauffeur. Although, she is very grateful - she can't help that she has a bigger social life than her mother. I'm happy she has friends, lots of them. (Most of the time).

One thing I am an expert at - is childhood development. I also see firsthand, nearly every single day - how a lot of parents lose themselves in the fog of parenting. In more ways than one. This can take on so many shapes and forms. There's the "Disneyland" (clueless) parent, the "Hovering" parent (somebody cut the cord please!), the "laid back" (lazy) parent, ah - and how could I forget, the "slap happy" parent. The solution to every problem ends with a smack or a seething and unrealistic threat through gritted teeth and bulging veins. Most of the above parenting styles end with this last one in a fit of frustration,
The fact is, I can honestly say - I'm guilty of some of those "styles" from time to time. None of us are perfect, even those of us that are so called "experts." The one thing that I have learned, probably the most important of all - in my parenting journey - is that you
must make time for yourself. Yes, being selfless is a virtue, but not when it comes to parenting. It's important to have hobbies and create a life for yourself that does not solely revolve around your kids.
Herein lies my quandary for the moment. Chris and I have found ourselves in the wonderfully blissful stage of life that we never thought or planned to share together. If you hadn't notice the bambino floating around at the corner of my blog - we are indeed starting over. His daughter Sierra is 14. My daughter is 12. Surprise!!!!

My debacle right now lies in making time for myself. We are extremely happy and thrilled to be blessed with our own little bundle of joy, however, the realization of what all this means is profoundly life altering. I spend most of my time with young children, it's my job. I am constantly potty training toddlers, teaching parents to be firm yet loving when dealing with their child's alarming behavior, wiping noses, butts, taming tantrums. It never ends. I feel accomplished, because I'm confident in my methods, and my discipline styles - and my kids are wonderful. Every single screaming, screeching, adorable egocentric one of them. I love them all, and at the end of the day - I feel like I've done something worthwhile.
So...where do I come in? Right now - exhausted does not even begin to describe how I feel. I sleep like the dead - and if potatoes were the only food source left on earth, I'd be fine. Right now, this is all I can stomach. I mistakenly thought I could stay up last night and celebrate with Chris (birthday boy). Maybe talk and catch up on each other's week...etc. Yeah, I was in bed by nine. As much as I want to take my own advice and etch out my own life and not let this little bundle inside of me consume my every waking moment. Um - that's not going to happen, because this little gift inside of me is consuming all my energy at the moment. Not only that, but my thought processes have been greatly altered as well. I've left keys in doors, gone to work fashionably inside out, left purse and phone in car numerous times, stumbled on my words, and forgotten what I was talking about more times than I can count. Wait, what am I blogging about again?

A lot of people are talking about bucket lists these days....I'm coming up with my own list - My "Get a Life" list to help me keep some sense of myself during this pregnancy - this list may involve underwater basket weaving, wine tasting that involves the use of a spit bucket, (this is the proper way to do it anyhow!) brisk power walking, (waddle style) blogging more, reading more, and possibly even knitting. So exciting. Stay tuned! Feel free to add some ideas too! Anything that doesn't involve child birthing or mom clubs would be awesome.
Until next time ~