Friday, December 17, 2010

A Hobby

Well, a few weeks ago I was determined to find a hobby while being pregnant. Something to help me keep a sense of self for the next few months.  I felt dumb for posting a proclamation that I would find something meaningful and profound to do in my off time, which is already pretty much nil as it is.  Let's face it, I feel accomplished if I can squeeze in a phonecall to the Insurance Company or to reschedule a Dr.'s appointment during the work week.
Well,  I found a hobby, or maybe more found me.  I think shortly after I finished writing my last blog, I took some time to hone this special skill.  I'm proud of myself for finally sticking with something, and I'm really really good at it.  I work at it every chance I get.  Here's a snapshot of me in the act, and even my dog in on the action.

We went up to the cabin last weekend, and took the kids with us.  So relaxing.

Hope your Holidays are wonderful!  I know I will be enjoying the long weekends coming up. :-)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Time to Get a Life, or a Hobby

I pride myself on being a simple small town girl.  In fact, this is my man's purportedly "favorite" thing about me.  I grew up in a small town, amongst a backdrop of clucking chickens and braying sheep in the backyard.  Family and church potlucks were the highlights of my childhood.  That and an above ground blow up pool in the backyard.  To make a long story short.  I am incredibly boring.  My idea of a good time involves a glass of wine, a good book, a good movie, a nice long walk, or time with the ones I love the most.  If you were to look up the word normal in the dictionary, picture wouldn't be there - but in the world of exaggerated exclaiming...yes.  My smiling face would be smack dab. 

I don't really get out much.  I dislike shopping.  Lately, when I try to read, I fall asleep.  I work.  A lot.  So when I'm home, I just really like to relax.  Chris fires up the grill, I grab a glass of wine (not anymore) - and we sit back and talk - enjoying one another's company.  Naomi and I, well - let's be frank.  We have lots of mother/daughter bonding time, but she's in 7th grade, and a girl.  I think I might be her personal chauffeur.  Although, she is very grateful - she can't help that she has a bigger social life than her mother.  I'm happy she has friends, lots of them.  (Most of the time).

One thing I am an expert at - is childhood development.  I also see firsthand, nearly every single day - how a lot of parents lose themselves in the fog of parenting.   In more ways than one.  This can take on so many shapes and forms.  There's the "Disneyland" (clueless) parent, the "Hovering" parent (somebody cut the cord please!), the "laid back" (lazy) parent, ah - and how could I forget, the "slap happy" parent.  The solution to every problem ends with a smack or a seething and unrealistic threat through gritted teeth and bulging veins. Most of the above parenting styles end with this last one in a fit of frustration,

The fact is, I can honestly say - I'm guilty of some of those "styles" from time to time.  None of us are perfect, even those of us that are so called "experts."  The one thing that I have learned, probably the most important of all - in my parenting journey - is that you must make time for yourself.  Yes, being selfless is a virtue, but not when it comes to parenting.  It's important to have hobbies and create a life for yourself that does not solely revolve around your kids.

Herein lies my quandary for the moment.  Chris and I have found ourselves in the wonderfully blissful stage of life that we never thought or planned to share together.  If you hadn't notice the bambino floating around at the corner of my blog - we are indeed starting over.  His daughter Sierra is 14.  My daughter is 12.  Surprise!!!! 

My debacle right now lies in making time for myself.  We are extremely happy and thrilled to be blessed with our own little bundle of joy, however, the realization of what all this means is profoundly life altering.  I spend most of my time with young children, it's my job.  I am constantly potty training toddlers, teaching parents to be firm yet loving when dealing with their child's alarming behavior, wiping noses, butts, taming tantrums.  It never ends.  I feel accomplished, because I'm confident in my methods, and my discipline styles - and my kids are wonderful.  Every single screaming, screeching, adorable egocentric one of them.  I love them all, and at the end of the day - I feel like I've done something worthwhile.

So...where do I come in?  Right now - exhausted does not even begin to describe how I feel.  I sleep like the dead - and if potatoes were the only food source left on earth, I'd be fine.  Right now, this is all I can stomach.  I mistakenly thought I could stay up last night and celebrate with Chris (birthday boy).  Maybe talk and catch up on each other's week...etc.  Yeah, I was in bed by nine.  As much as I want to take my own advice and etch out my own life and not let this little bundle inside of me consume my every waking moment.  Um - that's not going to happen, because this little gift inside of me is consuming all my energy at the moment.  Not only that, but my thought processes have been greatly altered as well.  I've left keys in doors, gone to work fashionably inside out, left purse and phone in car numerous times, stumbled on my words, and forgotten what I was talking about more times than I can count. Wait, what am I blogging about again?

A lot of people are talking about bucket lists these days....I'm coming up with my own list - My "Get a Life" list to help me keep some sense of myself during this pregnancy - this list may involve underwater basket weaving, wine tasting that involves the use of a spit bucket, (this is the proper way to do it anyhow!) brisk power walking, (waddle style) blogging more, reading more, and possibly even knitting.    So exciting.  Stay tuned! Feel free to add some ideas too!  Anything that doesn't involve child birthing or mom clubs would be awesome.

Until next time ~

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sounds Like Life...

It seems like it's been forever since I actually sat down and typed - or wrote anything on a piece of paper these days, other than massive amounts of lists.  I was cleaning out my purse yesterday, and found at least 5 different clumped up pieces of paper, all a barrage of to do-isms.  Most of these still have yet to get done-ism. Things get done, just maybe not in the order I would want them to.
 The big daunting things are always looming - waiting in the wings - knawing away at my brain at spontaneous moments.  These pesky little boogers sometimes unfortunately remind me of things I have failed at, things I have chosen to not finish or accomplish, and others I simply could not complete or even begin.  The bright side in all of this, is that this is life.  These are the things that keep  us going, that keep us motivated. 
Goals and lists are a healthy part of living.  It's good to have a light at the end of the tunnel, a finish line.  It's also good to let things slide every now and then too.  This makes me enjoy the small little moments.  The pure joy in a spotlessly clean shower and bathtub, after I waited way toooooo long to clean it the last time.  I swear, if I had kept on a schedule and cleaned the damn bathroom every Thursday, like I tell myself I'm supposed to do - I probably wouldn't appreciate just how clean it was, because it would always be perfect.  Thus I wouldn't be able to really relish in the joy of having a sparkling tub and shower devoid of soap scum and other things that might possibly sprout. 
So, I think this particular post is telling me that I should make a list of some big and little things in my life that I am grateful for.  Things that have made me smile, and things that keep my heart healthy.  In no particular order...

* A delightful little girl named Naomi, who makes me laugh, smile, and sometimes raise my voice in a disciplinary maternalistic sort of way.  I love you darling.  You are amazing, and you make me so proud. 

 We celebrated your 12th birthday last week, and it was wonderful to see you laugh and be your fabulous self with your girlfriends.  Thank you to my lovely friend Rachel for letting us use your pool and house for our tweenfest.

 Also, Science Camp was less than fantastic - but a great memory for us to look back on and be grateful it was only 3 days and not a whole week!  Thank you Justin Bieber, for being our Cabin Mascot.  I really could have done without you, but alas...there you were.  Bangs and all. 

 * My wonderful partner, and the love of my life - I just realized I typed that underneath a picture of JB.  Ahem...Chris, I love you so much.  We celebrated 2 years together this last week, and you are amazing.  You make me smile and laugh everyday.  I simply cannot imagine my life without you, nor would I want to.  Oh, and you are super hot.  Also, I love that you cook and clean - more than I do. 

*Mom!  You've done it!  All those years you spent writing and pouring your heart out into your stories and articles.  You are such an inspiration to me.  Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.  Love you and cannot wait to see you soon!  Click HERE to see her profile and a summation of her novel.  Ahem...copies can be purchased online on Barnes and Noble, Wal Mart,, Target, etc.  Wow!
I cannot believe how much you have been able to accomplish, especially having to raise us 3 squirts and deal with our quirks well into our adulthood.  We adore you. 

*Car troubles, medical and dental care with an absence of insurance, poopie diapers, tantrums, pre-teen angst, cramps, long lines at the bank, clutter, and endless to-do lists that never seem to get finished - yet always seem to come alive and grow. 
All these things make me grateful for simplicity and the tranquility it brings to my life.  Am I making any sense?  Until next time...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Near and Dear

Some very dedicated and hard working people are holding a benefit for sweet Annika and her family next weekend on Father's Day.  This will be held at Atascadero Lake Park from 10am to 4pm.   

Annika is a sweet and loving 3-year-old girl very near and dear to my heart.  The Tribune recently ran a story about this amazing little girl in her fight against cancer.

Also, stay tuned for news about Woodstock's Pizza coming up hopefully this August!  Building Blocks Preschool also has accounts set up at Rabobank and Golden 1 Credit Union for donations to be made in her name.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Last Wednesday was Earth Day.  To commemorate this, the kids and I planted grass in styrofoam cups.  I am a walking and talking oxymoron and that's okay. 

Our grass people just started sprouting this week, and the kids have been helping me water and watch as the blades of grass were coming in.  I left them on a tray on our Science Table so all the kids could look closely and help water.  How exciting! 

Until karma came in the form of a very curious 2-year-old boy this morning - who is new to our class and wants to dump everything out and push all the buttons he can find.  Including mine.  I'm sorry Earth.  Next year I will use old milk carton bottoms.  Sheesh.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Going through Naomi's binder tonight, I came across this hilarious and modern interpretation of Greek Art.  I love this girl's humor.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


We had a wonderful weekend up at the cabin celebrating Carl's 34th.  Here are some snaps we shot.  Really missed Bob - wish him and Eva could have been there! 
The amazing view from the front door.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oh Craigslist...

I was actually a little trepidatious when I discovered that Craigslist had a Rants & Raves section.  What in the world?  What kind of crap do people discuss on a Craigslist forum?  After perusing through all the typos and ignorant rants - I came across this gem, and I just had to share.  We shop at Albie's, the poor girl behind the meat counter is incredibly sweet.  It's her job to peruse the customers so she can help them if they would like to make an order, but this was just too much.  Do people really can't their panties in a knot about this stuff?  Ha ha

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I am not easily surprised.  I am not easily offended.  I am not easily shocked.  This, however, got my attention.  A 4-year-old boy showed up with these marks on his neck today, they looked alarmingly real - possibly a bite from a dog or something.  We were more than a little concerned, and when we asked him what had happened - he informed us it was his vampire bite tattoo.  Really mom? Oh my.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Boredom or Vandalism?

I don't know what she was thinking.  She was sitting at the table doing her homework no doubt, when it dawned on her that doodling on mom's laptop with her eraser would be fun or maybe just something to do.  Pretty sure that's not gonna come off.  Boredom or vandalism?  Hmmmm...

I had to laugh when I saw this though.  She took an old shoe lace and hung her beach ball from a nail that was already in the wall.  She said it gave her something to do when she was bored.  I'm not sure what to say really.  Maybe it's time to get outside.  :-)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Damn You John Grogan!

It's an amazingly, beautiful, quiet morning here.  Well, except for the sound of my refrigerator - humming and grunting, it will probably die soon.  I think I may have lost the ability to sleep in, as I awoke bright eyed and bushy tailed at 7:30.  So I grabbed my Ipod and took myself for a rainy morning walk, and after I got back, took my shower and settled in with some coffee I picked up this book, which I have been putting off finishing for a couple of weeks now...

Yes, we all know how the story ends.  Perhaps that's why I've been putting it off.  I saw the movie and cried at the end - and proclaimed that it was terrible, and I vowed to never watch another movie starring any pet; dog, cat, fish, bird - whatever.  The book has been in my collection for quite some time now, but life got incredibly busy - and I just put off reading it, however, I love John Grogan's writing style - so picking it up for a fun read a couple weeks ago was a treat for myself. 

Until this morning, when I had to finish the story.  I've been picking this book up at random times reading snippets here and there and laughing out loud, recounting memories from my beloved furry friends through the years.  This morning I was weeping.  Not crying.  Weeping, as I was trying to finish this horrible, awful, no good book!  Damn you John Grogan.  I mean, thank you. 

This is my little baby Elby.  If you knew me in my youth, you know that I went nowhere without this precious furball.  She had an affinity for bananas, belly scratches and walks in the stroller with Naomi when she was a baby.  Yes, she sat next to her in the stroller. We had 15 years together.  Miss her dearly.

Buddy is not as portable, and not quite as smart.  He cannot resist chasing cats, walking YOU and pulling you with his leash, jumping up to lick your face and howling for no reason.  He also likes to spoon, lick the lotion off your hands, steal your food if you walk away, and he thoroughly enjoys propping his ass UP against any fence or tree and crapping.  Large amounts.  Did I mention he also enjoys rolling around in dead animals of any size?  Dead seal in Cayucos - 2007.  I have never seen him so happy.  Yet at the same time, I don't think I've ever been that angry at any of my pets than I was that day at Buddy.  However, he is my boy, and I love him.

I love waking up to this face.

Don't let him fool you.  There is nothing regal about him.  After I took this photo, I had to fight to keep him from pulling me down the ragged cliff behind him for a closer sniff at some vegetation.  Buddy currently resides elsewhere, and sees me for visits,  - we are looking for a rental where we can have our big bundle of boy back with us.

Can't leave Rambo out.  :-)