Friday, December 17, 2010

A Hobby

Well, a few weeks ago I was determined to find a hobby while being pregnant. Something to help me keep a sense of self for the next few months.  I felt dumb for posting a proclamation that I would find something meaningful and profound to do in my off time, which is already pretty much nil as it is.  Let's face it, I feel accomplished if I can squeeze in a phonecall to the Insurance Company or to reschedule a Dr.'s appointment during the work week.
Well,  I found a hobby, or maybe more found me.  I think shortly after I finished writing my last blog, I took some time to hone this special skill.  I'm proud of myself for finally sticking with something, and I'm really really good at it.  I work at it every chance I get.  Here's a snapshot of me in the act, and even my dog in on the action.

We went up to the cabin last weekend, and took the kids with us.  So relaxing.

Hope your Holidays are wonderful!  I know I will be enjoying the long weekends coming up. :-)