We are so thankful and happy to report that we have been blessed with a very healthy and active baby boy, who is bouncing off the uterine walls right now as we speak.
Maybe it's because I'm carrying a boy, but nobody could top me in a farting contest. Nobody. Not even this guy.
I also complain and protest like an old man with gastrointestinal issues every time I eat anything with grease or too much salt. Not caring who hears me, or what they might be thinking. Not to mention, I have developed a slight case of narcolepsy. I'm like grandpa at Thanksgiving, rotund belly and all. I even have my very own designated recliner.
Because my job is so physically active, and the mornings can be pretty hectic, you will never see me without a piece of food in my mouth or something in my hand that will soon make its way there. It may sound a little over the top, but Teacher Margo is no good to anybody when she's huddled in the corner in a fetal position trying not to pass out. This is tricky, because it's a juggling act of all the right proteins, fiber and calcium that I can fit into a few hours' time. Even if I was craving cheese and bananas - I would be an idiot if I ate this all morning, and my family would not be happy with my endless complaining over the next couple of days, as I prayed over a cup of Metamucil. My friend Jerissa has turned me on to this wonderful and yummy snack that has kept my colon very happy and healthy these days. I highly recommend!
Also, I cry frequently. At least once a day. Over nothing. So far, I've been avoiding Hallmark movies steadfastly. I've gone through boxes and boxes of tissues. I am in talks with Kleenex about some possible advertising opportunities. John Boehner and I are working something out, but I digress. That's another post.
I am also happy to introduce the newest member to our family. Trixie! She's spunky and likes to flip around in her cage. We tried to put her in with our Rambo. Rambo had different ideas however. He loves his daddy, and does not want to share. Thus he has begun biting, and squawking. Jealousy makes us do silly things. Even if we are tiny little birdies.
Last but not least, this guy. Love him. Couldn't do any of this without him. He makes me smile. If I were to write him a letter at this moment in time, I think the only words that could even begin to sum up how I feel for him would simply be Thank You. For everything. Pass the Kleenex John Boehner.