Tuesday, September 25, 2012

When the S*** Hits the Fan

Sometimes all you can do is find your comfort in humor. 

I will spare my blog the details, as it's public - but the fan has been hit with some serious shit this last week.  I'm about to pop and have this baby, so I'm choosing to find my happy place when I can. 

Thanks Pinterest, you are a total time suck - and I love you. 


It's true.

This HERE is hilarious.  Photo bombing animals.  Does it get any better?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Proposal

I think many girls dream about this moment from the time they have their first real crush.  I remember sitting in English class in the 8th grade.....wandering off into daydream land and replaying the moment over and over again in my mind.  Of course the starring role changed a few times, back then - I can't even remember who I was stalking my crush was at that exact time, but waiting 32 years for those few pivotal seconds, (where your heart skips a beat, and the tears start to well up) and for those four words to be asked of you....by someone you love with all your heart and soul.  It's a feeling I can't really even put into words. 

So, I will try not to be too whimsical and long winded, because I'm timing braxton hicks contractions right now - which are driving me nuts, because they're like consistently 8 minutes apart for almost an hour now, and I seriously hate this stage of the pregnancy, and I need a happy distraction.

First of all, Chris is really really super yummy.  I mean, he's hot.  (Sorry Rachel)  he's your cousin, I know.  He got home from work, all manly and kind of smelly, took a shower, shaved, came out looking all nice and smelling amazing as always.  He was in a great mood.  He's always in a good mood on Fridays, but this particular Friday, he was being super sweet and more awesome than his usual.  He was cleaning, cooking, taking care of the baby, like always...but overly happy about it.  ;-)

So, I'm on the computer, listening to Pandora, and looking up websites so we could place an order for a jail cell baby gates to keep Reggie from destroying our apartment hurting himself.

He begins with reminding me that it's been 4 years since that weekend that he drove down from Oregon to California...over 800 miles, for a short 3-day weekend with his family, and it's the weekend that we met in person, after corresponding over the summer.  Then he asked me how I felt about spending all of my Labor Day Weekends with him.  Now, normally at this moment....most women would totally be aware of what was happening.  I am not most women.  I just laughed and said, something about it being okay if he wanted to take off one of those weekends and go solo fishing or whatever, it's cool. 

Then he smiles, gets out of his chair, and then I start to get it - my mombrain fog lifts a little as I watch him walk towards me, and I'm thinking....he's probably going to just keep walking - this isn't really happening.  But then he does that thing, you know the whole bended knee thing.  Then I start crying, which I never do.  I didn't even cry when my babies were born.  I know that makes me a horrible person, but I didn't.  I think because I was just so relieved for labor to be over.  But anyways, I started crying - like a girl. 

He takes out this box, and he says those four words...in the form of a question!  (I will spare you the interruption from our children) but that was all just white noise at that moment anyhow.  I just remember looking into his eyes and feeling like I could just float through the ceiling.  Yes, even being 8 1/2 months pregnant...I felt weightless.  Nothing could have made me more happy, and made me feel more complete, than hearing the man that I love with all my heart and soul, ask me to spend the rest of my life with him.  We always knew that we were forever anyhow, and our children sealed the deal, long before the proposal - but just having those few minutes just for us, was one of life's perfect moments.

And yes, he asked my dad for my hand in marriage.  How lucky am I? 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

I Said Yes! Of Course....

I've never been so surprised in my life.  I will dedicate a whole blog to how this all transpired very soon, when I don't have a toddler at my heels, and an entire day to tackle.  I'm the luckiest girl....((Sigh))

Baby Christopher ~ 33 Weeks

Is there anything more amazing than growing a little life inside of you?  I love being a mommy.