Stephen Hawking (World renown Physicist)HOTTIE
Books, Research, Coffee, Stephen Hawking...ha ha - COFFEE
I'm tired, my brain hurts. Random thoughts fly in and out at any moment without warning. My mom - bless her heart, in an effort to help me with Biochemistry - went to the Thrift store and picked up a little gem called...."A Bried History of Time From the Big Bang to Black Holes." Stephen Hawking. I really can't wait to get my hands on this book - just as soon as I'm done being overloaded as it is with the THEORY of evolution - cell structures and their cells - and the structure of those cells- all their names and what they do for a living (oh yeah, me and science - it's a match made in heaven) - Periodic Tables, formulas, diagraming atoms, nodding off - drinking more coffee - trying to make sense of it in my right brained universe - then calling it a night and passing out in the wee hours of the morning only to wake up finding I have acquired more wrinkles around the eyes. No, it's not my imagination..... Not just that - but my study area is a complete disaster. I had good intentions and had everything organized and laid out. Now - whatever. After the storm. Can we really call this an office? I need a decent desk.

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