On Easter Sunday, we went to Carl's new church up in Vacaville, All Saints Episcopal Church - where we got to watch him give the Easter sermon. I abstained from taking pictures during the service.....ha ha

Naomi's Easter dress looks like a tablecoth.... I love it :)

Carl's dog Baby....my new best friend and sleep mate. She snores

This handsome devil is my cousin Robin's baby boy Aiden, I've been waiting 15 months to meet this little guy. He ALMOST makes me want to have another baby. ALMOST

They made us wear lame hats during the tour at the Jelly Belly factory. Embarrassing, but totally worth all the free jelly beans. And of course......Marilyn in Bean form. I was looking at the picture up close and said..."Why are there white jelly beans on her lips amidst all the red ones?" Yeah, I was tired.
I'm SO happy that you finally got to meet Aiden, too. And we're all glad you and Naomi got to spend a few days up here, because who knows when we'd ever get down your way!!! Love you guys!
- Robin & fam
Thank you for stopping by :) Miss you guys already.
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