Saturday, March 6, 2010

Can I Freeze Time?

We go through so many different stages with our kids.  Some we look back on with smiles and fond memories, and others we just cringe and are glad that whatever was posessing our child at the time, has left their body - hopefully never to return.  I like the stage we're in now.  My daughter is growing up too fast, and I want to freeze time and just keep her as she is just a little longer. 

She made this recently, apparently we're starting a Babysitter's Club - and I'm at the helm!  Who else are you going to find to watch your kids for 2 dollars an hour?  It's okay, everyone has my number, and this is an ad anyhow.   I suppose.


Anonymous said...

Do you get a cut of the profits? ;-)

I know what you mean...I just think of how quickly the first 10 years of my sons life have passed and that in another 10 he'll be 20!!! Ack!

Also, could you ask Naomi if she'll up the age cut-off to 10 and under? Haha.

~ Rachel

M said...

She said I could have half.

She would definitely make an exception for you - although Kylan would be really annoyed I think. lol

m. christine weber said...

This is precious, Margo! These are the things we'll cry over when we're old and slightly boring to our children. :-)

And have you two (Rach and Margo) considered an arranged marriage for your kiddos. consolidation, I'm thinking.

M said...

That would be hilarious. Our parents knew each other back in the day too. I say possibly meant to be....bwahahahahahahahahaha