Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I am not easily surprised.  I am not easily offended.  I am not easily shocked.  This, however, got my attention.  A 4-year-old boy showed up with these marks on his neck today, they looked alarmingly real - possibly a bite from a dog or something.  We were more than a little concerned, and when we asked him what had happened - he informed us it was his vampire bite tattoo.  Really mom? Oh my.


m. christine weber said...

Um . . . I can guarantee this is the weirdest thing I'll hear all day. All week probably. Thanks for sharing it--now I can chuckle while being slightly traumatized. I mean, that's like my son Korbin, who, thankfully, doesn't even know what vampires are. And this coming from an obsessed vampire lover... Sheesh.

M said...

Yes, this boy's mother has let him see Twilight and New Moon - not to mention Dark Knight and Lord knows what else.

I do not like to lecture parents on how to raise their children, but when they come to me asking for behavioral said it perfectly. SHEESH :-)

That's one of my favorite words.