Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sounds Like Life...

It seems like it's been forever since I actually sat down and typed - or wrote anything on a piece of paper these days, other than massive amounts of lists.  I was cleaning out my purse yesterday, and found at least 5 different clumped up pieces of paper, all a barrage of to do-isms.  Most of these still have yet to get done-ism. Things get done, just maybe not in the order I would want them to.
 The big daunting things are always looming - waiting in the wings - knawing away at my brain at spontaneous moments.  These pesky little boogers sometimes unfortunately remind me of things I have failed at, things I have chosen to not finish or accomplish, and others I simply could not complete or even begin.  The bright side in all of this, is that this is life.  These are the things that keep  us going, that keep us motivated. 
Goals and lists are a healthy part of living.  It's good to have a light at the end of the tunnel, a finish line.  It's also good to let things slide every now and then too.  This makes me enjoy the small little moments.  The pure joy in a spotlessly clean shower and bathtub, after I waited way toooooo long to clean it the last time.  I swear, if I had kept on a schedule and cleaned the damn bathroom every Thursday, like I tell myself I'm supposed to do - I probably wouldn't appreciate just how clean it was, because it would always be perfect.  Thus I wouldn't be able to really relish in the joy of having a sparkling tub and shower devoid of soap scum and other things that might possibly sprout. 
So, I think this particular post is telling me that I should make a list of some big and little things in my life that I am grateful for.  Things that have made me smile, and things that keep my heart healthy.  In no particular order...

* A delightful little girl named Naomi, who makes me laugh, smile, and sometimes raise my voice in a disciplinary maternalistic sort of way.  I love you darling.  You are amazing, and you make me so proud. 

 We celebrated your 12th birthday last week, and it was wonderful to see you laugh and be your fabulous self with your girlfriends.  Thank you to my lovely friend Rachel for letting us use your pool and house for our tweenfest.

 Also, Science Camp was less than fantastic - but a great memory for us to look back on and be grateful it was only 3 days and not a whole week!  Thank you Justin Bieber, for being our Cabin Mascot.  I really could have done without you, but alas...there you were.  Bangs and all. 

 * My wonderful partner, and the love of my life - I just realized I typed that underneath a picture of JB.  Ahem...Chris, I love you so much.  We celebrated 2 years together this last week, and you are amazing.  You make me smile and laugh everyday.  I simply cannot imagine my life without you, nor would I want to.  Oh, and you are super hot.  Also, I love that you cook and clean - more than I do. 

*Mom!  You've done it!  All those years you spent writing and pouring your heart out into your stories and articles.  You are such an inspiration to me.  Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.  Love you and cannot wait to see you soon!  Click HERE to see her profile and a summation of her novel.  Ahem...copies can be purchased online on Barnes and Noble, Wal Mart,, Target, etc.  Wow!
I cannot believe how much you have been able to accomplish, especially having to raise us 3 squirts and deal with our quirks well into our adulthood.  We adore you. 

*Car troubles, medical and dental care with an absence of insurance, poopie diapers, tantrums, pre-teen angst, cramps, long lines at the bank, clutter, and endless to-do lists that never seem to get finished - yet always seem to come alive and grow. 
All these things make me grateful for simplicity and the tranquility it brings to my life.  Am I making any sense?  Until next time...


m. christine weber said...

Yep, you're making sense. And I like it. I'm a list person too, and so often I'm caught up in "to-do" world. I'm pretty sure God gave me kids just to remind me that playing is as important as doing. The doing keeps life going, but the playing and noticing and valuing give life meaning. ;-)

M said...

I am all about play, and the occasional list. :-)

Thanks for stopping by Mary!

M said...

I know I left a comment after your comment. It disappeared!!!!

I love to play, sometimes I have to fit it in - on my endless lists....but it's so nice when I forget and just let go. :-)

Thanks for stopping by Mary. I would have to agree with the "kids" theory. You have 3. You are amazing, and brave. :-)