Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Long Weekend

I had the most fantastical and interesting bout with false labor this last week!  All I can really say is....well, damn it.  It was unpleasant.  So maybe it did some work - and when it actually really gets going I won't have quite as much work to do.  Nonetheless, by Saturday evening, we came to terms with the fact that little Reginald was not going to make his appearance this weekend after all... and we decided to make the most of it and enjoy the much needed rest and sunshine. 

We stopped at the Veteran's Memorial at the park to pay our respects.  We enjoyed some family bonding time, and a nice day in Morro Bay and Cayucos.  Note, I cannot walk out of my apartment or go anywhere for that matter these days without drawing attention to myself.  I realize now, looking at this picture - that even wearing a big bulky black sweatshirt cannot mask the fact that I am ready to pop.

  Chris was amazing, and so supportive, cooking and cleaning, and making sure to spend some extra time with Naomi, who yes.  Even at almost 13 is showing signs of jealousy.  More on that later....but very grateful to have such a caring and thoughtful person to share my life with, and a strong male role model that my daughter can look up to and learn from, and that my son will call Dad.  So emotional.  So pregnant.  Sniff sniff....Until next time ~

Oh, if you need a laugh, check this out.  Bahahahhaahahahaha!

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