By the way, off topic here...but I just have to revert back to a hormonal teenage moment and ask you who YOU think is hotter. Ryan or Freddie? I'm a Freddie Fan myself, I've been hanging out with my daughter and her friends way too much. Back to the subject at hand, (ADD moment over).
I kicked my summer off early in the month of May, and I had the best time puttering around my apartment, taking long leisurely naps in the afternoon, and doing quite frankly....whatever the hell I wanted to. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration. When you are 9 months pregnant, you really can't do whatever you want. There are a few physical and possibly emotional limitations, but regardless - the living was easy and it was so nice.
When our little man arrived right on his due date, it was pretty much the most beautiful moment in our lives, aside from when our daughters were born ( I am speaking for my significant other, and I do this often, because I'm a woman). Not only did I have the easiest pregnancy ever, but labor and delivery was a cinch, thanks to an IV and a certain man with a very large needle and a medical degree. He was amazing, and when he finished I told him how good he was, and that I hardly felt a thing. Yes, I just said that - because that's exactly how it happened. Get your mind out of the gutter. So, after 10 hours of sub par labor, I say this because I spent most of it sleeping...and 15 minutes of pushing, our son was born, and he was large. When the epidural wore off, I really began to appreciate just how large - but that's a whole different post. Here he is just minutes after, and he was just so perfect. All 8 lbs 10 oz. of him.
I look completely haggard, and I think it's appropriate for the circumstance. Haggard and happy. Here's my other child. She's pretty stoked, she wouldn't be if she had actually witnessed the whole thing. Two thumbs up. Is it just me, or do I look high? No comment.
The following 2 1/2 months since Reggie's birth have been full of wonderful moments, many a leaky diaper, all kinds of baby goodness. Gas, spit up, coos, goos, yawns, fussies, and wails sprinkled with lots and lots of love and memories to last a lifetime. Here are some of my favorite moments....
Reggie and Auntie Rachel. Not a dry eye in the room I tell ya.
Seriously, the greatest dad I could have ever wanted for my children.
Hard to believe Chris' beautiful daughter Sierra will soon be turning 15! I love this picture, and I love that he is so happy.
Our family.
And then of course, there are the grandparents....we love you mom and dad x 2! :-)
This last one cracks me up. Holding a newborn is totally natural for dad - I believe when this photo was snapped we were talking about cars.
Last but not least, and best of all. This. This is why I had the best summer ever. Thank you for being born little Reggie. Love you beyond words. Xoxo
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