Friday, February 17, 2012


Just a couple of months ago, it was so easy to get a snapshot of Reggie, with that gummy smile - he would sit and pose for me.  What a good baby.
This is what I get now....he literally just doesn't stop moving.  Every picture has a blur in it.

 Or his backside, as he pretty much rolls out of every shot.
 He managed to almost completely roll out of this one.
 He isn't crawling.  He just gets on his haunches and rocks back and forth, drops, then rolls.
 He was so excited by his reflection that he just couldn't stop flapping.  For even a second.
 The trick is to trap him in a sitting position, where he can't move.  This was a lucky shot.
I am exhausted, but very happy to have a healthy baby boy - who is teething crazy right now. Not to brag or anything, but I think he slept a total of 2 hours last night.  He slept better when he was a newborn. 

Hope everyone had a lovely V-Day. 

Click here for some chuckles.

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