Sunday, April 15, 2012

Storks and Such

First of all, Happy Birthday to my spectacular brother.  Carl, we love you and miss you!  You took the most awesome Senior Photo, about 18 years ago? Of which I must share. 



So, here we are....approaching the fourteenth week of our holy s***, we're so fertile - how could this have happened?  Pregnancy.  Well, we know how it happened, so to speak.  But, when you have a surgical procedure to prevent such an occurrence - this phrase tends to be the first one uttered out of your mouth.  We are still waiting on some test results to find out exactly what is going on with the right fallopian tube, but as long as BB#2 is doing okay, and mama isn't having any major health risks, then we are counting our blessings.  I have a superstitious theory.  My wonderful in-laws bought this adorable wine holder for me back in August of 2010. 

The summer of 2010 was the last time I wasn't pregnant, or nursing, or changing diapers, or finding out that I was pregnant again.  It was before they bought me that birdie pelican thingy....that sort of resembles, oh I don't know.  THIS.

Just a superstitious moment.  That's all.  I'm over it now.  A stork is obviously not a pelican.  They did not mean to send me a baby making generating wine holder thingy, which I love by the way, and I'm keeping.

If anyone is wondering how I am feeling these days....this might sum it up.

A yawning hippo.  So, tired and bloated.  That about sums it up.

Here are some recent photos of my exciting life.  Oh, and Oregon is beautiful, spring is finally here!  We've been enjoying SOME sunshine, and lots of rain.  ;-) 

" Look out ladies.  I've got one front tooth, and I'm ready to party."
 "Hey, that's a shiny silver thing with buttons...."  reach, grab, reach,
 Love love love.
 Love this guy.
The girls tolerated my need to be crafty and motherly, and they dyed eggs for us.  Oh, and yes, that's dad in the background - getting himself a beer, which is well deserved and needed.  I miss my wine.
Naomi is fast approaching her fourteenth birthday.  jlkajfoiehaigoenwagovnoaroieuoiafjoij!!!!!! How in the world did this happen?  She is now officially taller than I am, and still growing.  The last couple of months have been very contacts. (Freedom from glasses!)  A plane trip to CA all on her own to see her dad.  It all flies by so fast these days.

Sierra will be sixteen in September.  Need I say more.  Learner's permit, driver's license, etc.  She's growing into such a beautiful young lady, and her papa couldn't be more proud, and freaked out at the same time, of course.

And here we are, starting all over again.  Happy Spring! 

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