Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Boys Will Break Everything

"Girls will break your spirit and your heart.  Boys will just break shit." - Louis CK

As the mother of a teenage daughter, and two small boys...I couldn't agree more.  Preach it, Louis,  this couldn't be more true, in my own experience.  My daughter has always been a master at communication and expressing herself in a verbal sense.  Especially when she is upset.  She does not hold back her feelings and her opinions about anything, nor in the heat of the moment is she afraid to say things that would bruise even the ego of Chuck Norris.  Words are powerful, but so I am finding, are little boy toddlers with boundless energy and the innate need to break shit.  I am keeping a running tab, and documenting all of this.   It is only the beginning. 

 The person who came up with the idea for vertical blinds, never had small boy children.  Obviously. 

Our coffee table.  May it rest in peace.  On the back patio for now. 

Polka dot carpet.  Or connect the dots.   I blame sippy cups, and the little boys who abuse them.

What the hell were we thinking?  Putting a piece of furniture anywhere near the wall.  Just, walls and furniture in general. 

There is nothing sweeter than when your little ones crawl into bed and cuddle up with you in the morning, and then they do this. 

I think it's safe to say we won't be getting our security deposit back.

I don't believe in buying expensive teethers.  I much prefer that my boys cut their teeth on the unnatural surroundings in their habitat.  Such as coffee tables, end tables, knobs, and entertainment centers.

I'm a big believer in consigning and reselling baby furniture.  Unfortunately, the toddler has eliminated the possibility of being able to resell anything - he ripped the platform right out of this exercaucer with extreme force.  The baby didn't even notice.

I'm still *ngry over this one.

Frightening that I even own these, and frightening that Reggie did this.

I removed all of these door guards almost immediately upon moving into this apartment.  I haven't had a ringing migraine since.  However, there are divots in the walls now.  Win some, lose some.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

"I think it's safe to say we won't be getting our security deposit back." I started laughing when I read this sentence and haven't stopped laughing! Love your blogs Margo!