Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sensitive Ponytail Man

One of our enrichment programs for our kids this quarter happens to be Drumming. Our instructor, who shall remain nameless (Sensitive Ponytail Man) is just that. Very softspoken - and gives off that old hippie vibe. For those of you that knew me back in the day.......well, you know that I was just that. A bit of a Deadhead. I went to Paso High for all of two months in the 10th grade and my nickname was "Herb." In other words, you could smell me coming from a distance. Not something I am proud of at all, just what it was.

Anyway, a funny thing happened in our last session. Sensitive Ponytail Man announced to all our kids that we would be having a "Special Surprise Guest" at our next lesson. The kids perked up with Junior High delight and some of them even looked HALF interested. I was thinking, "Very cool, maybe it's an old Hippie bandmate from back in the day and he'll bust out some sweet beats," or whatever.

After the class was over and the kids were making their exit SP Man approached me with a twinkle in his eye and told me that the "Special Surprise Guest is you Margo." Wink wink. Creepy!

Que? Wha? My co-workers and I are conjuring up all sorts of imaginative scenarios trying to figure out just what this is going to entail, and what the hell is just so SPECIAL about yours truly. It was suggested I bring a costume or two in anticipation of an "Interpretive Dance" of sorts, or that I even bust out some of my old moves from my Belly Dancing days......ahem, that was pre-baby I might add. All I have to say to that is that I will be calling in sick, or at least conveniently disappearing for the hour. If anything strange or embarrassing happens, you will hear of it first right here on my blog tomorrow. Just sharing some strange humor from my crazy week. 'Til next time ~


Flo Paris said...

Hahahahahaha...oh boy. Can't wait to see how this one turns out!

M said...

It was an uncomfortable and awkward waltz.....with Sensitive Ponytail Man.

Drumming class with 20 teenagers is not good for the ears I tell you.

M said...

Oh! Congratulations on popping my blog comment cherry...you are the first. :)