Sunday, September 1, 2013

It Is None of Your Business....

(It is none of your business what others think about you).  I am really trying to put those words to good use in my head these days.  I have this overwhelming need to explain myself, all the time.  I don't know if it's because I'm afraid that people won't like me, or that they will misunderstand me.  I think mostly it's that I just don't want to be misinterpreted, or for things to be misconstrued?  I'm not a people pleaser at all.

Ah well.  Whatever. 

I do love that quote though.  It is ringing so true in my life these days.  When things fall apart, people talk.  People say things.  People say things about you.  They are hurtful and awful things, (cuts like a knife) kind of hurtiful, and there really is not much that you can do about it. (Yes, I just made up the word hurtiful).  There is not much you can do about it, other than walk away from it, and not entertain it.  It is none of your business.  I kind of like that for today, for the week. 

Here's another favorite.

Updates on my kiddos....

Chris' daughter is officially driving with an official driver's license, nearly 17.  Amazing, that girl is, and one hell of a babysitter. 

Naomi is thriving and just started her sophomore year of high school.   She's enjoying all the perks of living with the grandparents, with a few rules sprinkled in, but she's happy, and her new school gives out ipads to all their students.  For crying out loud.  I'm about to go THERE, and dole out a "Back in My Day" quote...but I'll save it. 

Reggie just slept in his big boy bed for the first time tonight!  Hooray for milestones!  And he just had his first haircut.  Love this monkey. 

Christopher is just starting to take his first steps.  Hard to believe that my baby is almost not a baby anymore.  I am happy to say, that we survived the plague of 2013, and both boys are officially back on the regularity pooping train.  On to the next illness!  I wonder what new miseries await us this upcoming year.

Hope everyone had some enjoyable moments this summer.  I know that we have certainly enjoyed the sun, but we're gearing up for the rain up here in the... 

North West.

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