Sunday, April 27, 2008

I'm Back...I think.

Oh my....I have missed my blog! I have just been so incredibly busy these days. There are so many updates, I will give just a few...more later.

- My dog tore a tendon in his foot from a laceration involving getting his foot stuck in an iron gate. One month in a cast so far, $700.oo and counting...The vet suggested physical therapy, I laughed as I wrote out a check, signed it and shook my head walking out the door....yeah right.

- Setting up and taking down a portable skate park 4 x a week at work will surely get me in better shape.

- I broke the lens on my camera phone....embarrassing.

- I am finally taking an active role in having a healthier head of hair. I spent about 2o bucks on products limit.

- Dos Padres has the best Mexican food ever...check it out. San Miguel.

- If all else fails, kill them with kindness. Interesting week at work. A co-worker is not so fond of me I have learned.

- School can wait.

- The sun is the best therapy ever. Thank God for spring, I was beginning to fear I was bi-polar.

- Rimadyl will give your dog wicked gas.

- Humor is the best therapy by far.

There are so many changes taking place in my life right now, but for the time being - finding the humor in whatever I can is a wonderful thing.