Thursday, April 11, 2013

Newborn Disease

If I could sum up my life over the last six one word.  Bliss would not be it.  As in baby bliss.  Blissfully happy....blah blah blah.  It's just been what it is.  We've had great days, good days, bad days, really crappy days.  We've had so much change, some really difficult changes, and some really good changes. 

The boys are getting bigger each and every day.  I was laughing to myself the other day, because I was thinking about my newborn baby bliss days.  You know that moment when you lay eyes upon your sweet darling for the first time, and you are overcome with joy, relief, love, bliss, etc.  We all have these different emotions and thoughts that run through our minds when we first lay eyes on our sweet new babies.  However, I think one thing that we can all agree on is how freaking adorable our babies are. 

So unbelievably cute.  Nobody's baby has ever been as cute, or more beautiful, and you feel sorry for other parents who will never know what it's like to have a baby as adorable as yours. 

A few months go by, you look back on all those bajillions of photos that you took of your sweet little darling and you realize you'd been completely blinded by love.  Your baby had what all the other babies that aren't yours had.  Your child was not immune to Newborn Disease after all.  You just couldn't see it through your newborn goggles.

I thought I'd share. 

Does this jaundice make me look yellow?

 One word.  Smiegel.
" The Claw"  A classic newborn pose.
 The accordian chin.
 Such a cute cry face.  Or is he pooping?
 Easy with the flash.
 "You have no clue what I just went through to get here, just let me be wrinkled for a bit. zzzzzzzzzzz"
Creepy baby head in the spotlight.



Rachel said...

Oh man Margo, that is sooo freaking funny. I want to do that for Emily and Laura. Love,love,love this blog!

Grandma Burk said...

This gave me the best laugh this morning....thanks!! But I do still have the most beautiful grandchildren ....